Due Diligence in Orlando and across Florida

February 28, 2013

The Partner Orlando team understands Florida’s unique geology and hydrogeology, such as karst topography. The Orlando Partner team provides Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), Phase II Environmental testing, Property Condition Reports, Asbestos Surveys, and Lead Testing in support of local and nationwide commercial and multi-family real estate transactions.

Partner provides both local and nationwide Property Condition Assessments. Partner architects, engineers, and commercial building inspectors inspect the subject property in order to gain an understanding of the condition of the building.

Partner performs Phase II Environmental Testing either in support of a financing decision, property transaction or to meet agency requirements of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). Typically our reports are performed to meet the standards set by ASTM E1903 – 11.

Partner’s Zoning Reports take into consideration usage regulations, Miami and other municipality provisions as well as other regulations, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act.

For more information on Partner’s Orlando practice visit http://www.partneresi.com/city/orlando.php

Phase I Environmental Site Assessments in Boston

February 26, 2013

Due to Massachusetts’ diverse geology ranging from urban infills to problematic geological conditions, engineering and site characterization can be a difficult task. Partner’s Bostonians  understand the complex local history and geology, and are able to apply it to properly assess environmental and engineering concerns.

The Boston Partner team provides Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), Phase II Environmental testing, Property Condition Reports, Asbestos Surveys, Lead Testing, and Seismic Assessments in support of local and nationwide commercial and multi-family real estate transactions.

Partner performs Phase II Environmental Testing either in support of a financing decision, property transaction or to meet the requirements of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) agency. Typically our reports are performed to meet the standards set by ASTM E1903 – 11.

While conducting a Phase I ESA, Partner does a visual evaluation of accessible areas for the presence of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs). If it becomes evident that Asbestos Containing Materials may be present, Partner can perform sampling and testing to evaluate if Asbestos Containing Material is in fact present.

A zoning report is a necessary part of many real property transactions because the current owner is responsible for existing zoning violations. Partner’s Zoning Reports take into consideration usage regulations, Boston and other municipality provisions as well as other regulations, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Partner has completed engineering assessments on all types of commercial real estate including office, retail, multifamily, industrial, and hospitality. Some recent Massachusetts projects and experience can be found at http://www.partneresi.com/city/boston.php.